The utility of the economy sector is one of the largest consumers of fuel, electricity, in thermal power generation. The living is a Modern unimaginable, without an energy service provider. The comfortable living conditions, both equipped with lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, and household electrical appliances. Home-communication and information in the entertainment services conducted over the telephones, televisions, computers, etc., the One who has learned to save the electricity, water, heat and gas within the his apartment, a better understanding of the need for energy saving in a residential building in the workplace

As a result of its geographic location, Belarus is a country with a relatively cold climate. The duration of the heating period is about 200 days, which provides a significant part of the energy consumption for space heating. At the level of the households consume nearly 40% of the total amount of fuels in the energy sources of the Republic. The consumption of housing in the utility sector, thermal energy is used for space heating (60-70%) in hot water, including(30-40%).
Unfortunately, the efficiency of the energy consumption in our Republic is very low. The heating of the hot water in the home, the average family of 3-4 people per year in CHP or in boilers to burn more than 3 there. In addition, during the year, and it is such a family 1200-1800 kWh of electricity consumption. These values are on average 2-fold higher than in the industrially developed countries with a comparable climate. This is part of the comfort of our homes, is much lower: nima a lot of modern appliances in the fields, often backed sufficiently high temperature, poor air quality. Energy consumption in the home comfort to a large extent determines the quality of life of the population, human health, and the availability of leisure time.
A comparison of domestic to foreign personalities to share the vast potential of energy savings at the household level, especially in the heat of the energy, the urgency of the implementation of the project, with the aim of saving energy, to improve the quality of life of the people. These solutions, according to the state program "energy Saving" in the subject series, in the long-term, short-term events.
The mandatory terms and conditions to the to the success of their solutions are as follows:
- psychological readiness, at the request of the population, in order to save energy.
- the knowledge of the ways of saving energy, the ability to use them in their daily lives;
- invite us to the attitude of the people towards the use of energy at the level of the comfort of the subconscious, the inner discipline, the careful consumption of energy.
If the first two conditions, it is possible to achieve relatively in a short period of time, the economic result of the institutional incentives and information in the educational measures, the implementation of the latter requires a long period of time, because it means the formation of a child than a man to do a certain standard of behaviour, attitudes, concern about the future environment for energy prosperity to the four corners of the earth. That is the reason why it has to be organized in the Republic of the enhanced multi-level system of education and training in the field of energy-saving, constant communication is in the advertising business.
In large part, the existing potential for energy savings in the residential sector, are to be carried out in a short amount of time with the tenants, using a simple, cheap, and in effective ways. It is important to understand the energy-saving potential, as it does not reject comfort, but also for the provision of the necessary mode of life of the individual, the terms and conditions of the company, with a limited number of primary energy sources.
The basic principles for the development of the programmes for the reduction of energy consumption in the home
Where to start working to reduce the use of energy? First of all, you need to determine the extent of the consumption of a variety of types, in the amounts of the payments, the sources of which he made a series of energy audits. It will help you (if at all) to account for the energy consumption, as well as a simple calculation of the measurements. It is desirable, in order to determine if the unit of the average amount of consumption of the resource for different periods of time (a week, a month, or a year). It is a condition of permanent the systematic work in the field of energy efficiency. To assess the potential for energy savings, it is necessary to compare the obtained values with the standards from the European to the performance.
It will help you to give the answer to the first question – save a life, is it an advantage? The logical answer is the one that counts, because it will bring immediate benefits. Of course, you oblige, my dear, energetsko the effectiveness of the measures may not bring immediate in immediate savings, the need for a detailed analysis of the benefits from their use. Here, we only take into account the electricity consumption of other energy payment is distributed evenly among a large number of consumers. However, you need to know to get from any savings in the power supply reduces its overall spending, the total spending in Your budget, including. In addition to this, the situation is gradually changing: sooner or later, all of the energy that is taken into account, in one of which, as we learn to store them, so it will be a lot easier for you. If We take into account all types of energy sources, it is necessary that the measures for the implementation of the energy cost savings as a benefit from them, and then the position. From all this follows the objectives of the programme of activities to save energy, and the expected provides the effect.
Think of the potential sites for the storage of the [spirits of the craft] the types of energy use in the home.
The economy, and the thermal energy.
At present, the use of heat meters, which are widely used, for a number of reasons: the high cost, the lack of studies into the accuracy of the measurement, etc., But the question is can you see it in a different perspective: how do you keep enough in the apartment to a comfortable temperature with low heating up? First of all, you need to prepare the heating system.
Water heaters should be washed inside out in a regular dusting. During the operation, the surface of the interior covered with the corrosion, the scale, sometimes the thickness of the deposits reaches a value which substantially prevent the water of the channel, not to mention that it is the transfer of heat. To ensure proper airflow, do not mess with the furniture, most of the area in the vicinity of the heating device. It is strictly forbidden to make by the way of decorative panels, panels and even curtains, because, in addition to a strong reduction of the heat transfer and increases the heat loss. To reduce the loss of heat through the wall of the radiator, in improving the circulation of the recommended airflow is to either increase the distance from the device to the wall. It is recommended to install the convectors to heat the reflective display, in the insulating layer. The restriction Of the transfer of the heated air to the surface of the interior glass of the Windows requires the installation of a wide window sill. Paint the, paint the radiator the oil reduces the heat transfer from 8-13 %, and therefore, it is recommended that you make use of the zinc oxide.
Along with the problem of the lack of heat, there is the problem of the paratope. Paratope is usually suffering from of the population, and thus the closest to the heating sources in their homes. The reason the paratope – unbalanced heating system. Thus, it raises the output you need to handle on your own. If you want to do that, take a look if you have a need for heating the hose (1) bypass (4). Maybe the engineers just "forgot" to install it. Then, install the bypass (4) thermostat (2), or even a simple ball valve will allow you to adjust the amount of coolant fluid through the heater (3) in the setting of the temperature in the room.
The Problem is, the cold, the situation is much more complex. The main reason of the low temperature in our homes is the low quality of the heating in a lot of heat loss. The specific consumption of thermal energy per square meter of housing in our Republic, from 2 to 4 times (depending on the specific building) is higher than in countries with comparable climates. It means that it is produced by the whole fed into the heat in the house a lot, but it was soon to be lost. The heat loss in a building, in accordance Beltei, on average, is divided as follows:
- Windows – 36%;
- ventilation to 28%;
- walls – 26%;
- the panels of the basement – up to 10%.
Since the major heat losses of the account for the Windows, insulate it and then (better to change), it must be in the first place. The most effective way is to install double-glazed Windows. It is now proposed that many of the structures, and a variety of skills in order to retain the warmth, the life, the environment characteristics, and therefore the price of the. They usually contain a double-glazed Window, between the panes in a dry, air may vary from the normal only in the Windows operating system, the higher the integrity, the more it is easy to clean, in an aesthetic appearance. At the disposal of the vacuumed double pane Windows to double-glazed Windows filled with inert gas. They have an excellent heat resistance. The glass can be coated with a low-emissivity termootrazhayuschim layer, which prevents the withdrawal of the heat, in the form of radiation reduces the heat loss through the Windows by 30-35%. Double glazing, manufactured with the most advanced technologies, such as the heat resistance of the conventional exterior of the wall. Often, Windows are placed instead of glass in standard frames. To the triple glazing, which allows you to further reduce heat loss.
If the installation of double-glazed Windows, that means that it is not, then you need to take care to minimise the heat loss through existing Windows. First, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned, and then at a range of skimp. Secondly, to fix all the cracks in the leaves. You can glue the paper, but it should be done in calm weather. To eliminate the gaps between the framework in a specific field, you can use the foam. The glass must be intact. Very Cheap, the effective solution is to on the inside of Usagi the surface of the optional outer cover grooves on the extra glass of (good, for the state of the binding), or a transparent polymer film. It turns out there is triple glazing the heat loss through the Window, to be reduced 20 to 30%. Of the air By lowering the humidity during bonding, it is recommended that you make use of adsorbents. Dry air has a lower thermal conduction in the accessory, reduces the intensity of the fogging in the freezing of the glasses. In the Winter, it is recommended that the hanging of blackout curtains, which do not cover radiators. Glazing of the balconies into loggias help to reduce the heat loss for a total of 10...13 %. To reduce the heat loss through the doors of a double door, you need to install a door with multiple seals, to arrange lobbies.
Then you need to take care of the ventilation, which in turn often creates a surplus for the winter haul. The kitchen the air vent cover can be partial, in the bathroom, all in close to you, as it will allow you to get too much moisturize dry air (winter air into a heated room, which also has low humidity, which has a negative effect on health) in creating a feeling of warmth. Furthermore, it is recommended to insulate the external walls to the room in the corner of the wall of the stairwell.
The saving of electrical energy
Saving electricity when using an electric stove.
For the first time, you need to have an alternative to the oven: electroscience, elektrokofemolke, of an oven having a much more efficient and effective.
In the second place, the stove should be helpful. Propavshaya, chipped in swellings, off the heating elements so as to significantly worse to perform their function, other than of course, to do so.
In the third place, you have to have the proper tools. Every time you have to choose the size of the container appropriate to the situation. Accessories should be All of the ' s covers. Fact of the matter is that, in the absence of the cover, you need to have two times as many energy, do not worry, it doesn't cover at all, or is it really small. At the bottom of the dish to the electrical furnace needs to be smooth for the firm to place the heating element. When cooking or boiling water, it is recommended that you turn off the burners from several of the early completion of, or boiling water is that it allows you to save up to 20% of the heat energy due to the inertia of the heated burners. During the cooking of several dishes, which you can save from 10% to 30% of the electricity, if you're using a still-hot burner pre-heating of the water is to be used in cooked dishes, if you use the pre-settled water at room temperature, not cold straight from the tap.
To save energy, the use of the plate [made of crafts,] of the species. The heat treatment of Products takes a long period of time, it is better to cook in pressure cookers. At the beginning of cooking, you'll need to install the full capacity of the burner in when the water boils, reduce to a minimum, since the boiling point of water is dependent on the input power of the heat flux to 100°C, The speed of cooking, the temperature of which is only. Thus, the excess heat is used only for the evaporation of water in air (humidity) is in the lead to a waste of energy (electricity or gas), without any effect on the cooking time.